Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector

Order Delivery Block

Sana delivers support of different shop account roles and authorization procedure to meet your individual business requirements and convert the manual process of orders approval into fast and efficient automated process. In Sana it is possible to create different accounts with budget limits, whose orders must be approved by other responsible people. For more information, see 'Shop Account Roles'.

If you are using Sana's shop account roles to limit customer's budget and for order approval workflow, then you can also set up Authorization Block in SAP. Open the System Attributes Sana admin table by calling the transaction /n/sanaecom/a_tables.

In the Authorization Block field, you can select the delivery block status.

If a customer places an order in the Sana web store which requires to be approved, and the Authorization Block is set in the System Attributes table, the order will be blocked in SAP. It will not be possible to deliver the order until it is approved.

When the order has been placed and while it waits for approval, the SAP system indicates that this order is blocked for delivery. Once the order is approved, it will be automatically unblocked and the user in SAP will be able to create a delivery document.