ConfigurationNavigation Type in NAV

Navigation Type in NAV

Configure Navigation Type in NAV

There are two types of product navigation in Microsoft Dynamics NAV client available in Sana Commerce - NAV Connector. The first type of navigation is based on the 'Item Category' and 'Product Group' levels. The second type of product navigation allows a user to create the additional sub-categories. You can read more about the second type of navigation here.
To change the type of product navigation in NAV:
  • Open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV client.
  • Open the 'Options' window (Sana Commerce > Setup > Options).
  • Select the 'General' tab.
  • Select the 'Use Custom Navigation' check box to activate the manual navigation or leave it empty to use the default navigation.
Enabling the Custom Navigation Option
In case of using the custom navigation option it is possible to choose whether to inherit a filter from the parent node (option 'Inherit Filter From Parent').
Each level of the product tree has its own filter which selects products from the item list. Depending on this option filters from ancestors are combined with the filters for the current tree node.
'Inherit Filter From Parent' Option
ConfigurationNavigation Type in NAV