How toSetup and Configure Web Service

Setup and Configure Web Service

Sana Commerce 8.1
Your provider

How to Setup and Configure Web Service

This chapter is needed only when you install Sana Commerce manually.

To setup and configure web service:

Step 1: Add new virtual directory in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Step 2: Specify virtual directory name (alias).

Step 3: Map the virtual directory to the Sana Commerce web service directory by specifying the physical path:

Adding New Virtual Directory for Web Service
Step 4: Enable Anonymous Authentication for the newly created virtual directory and disable all other types of authentication:

Enabling Anonymous Authentication for Web Service's Virtual Directory

Step 5: Make sure that Anonymous user has 'Read & execute' permissions on the 'Sana.Commerce.Webservice' folder.

Step 6: In the general app settings of iPad set the URL of the Sana Commerce web service to which the app connects:

Specifying the Web Service URL

Now you can proceed to further configuration of the Sana Mobile app. More detailed information can be found in the 'Mobile' and 'Sana Mobile App' sections.
How toSetup and Configure Web Service