Developer Workstation Installation

Open 'Developer Workstation Installation' wizard, choose your scenario to see more provider-related information of the installation manual.

Import NAV Objects

Now the code base and the SQL database are in place and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV administration is configured to be accessed, the NAV side can be configured. 
To Install the Sana Commerce objects in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV administration the following steps are required:
  • Backup standard NAV objects;
  • Import new objects. These are new custom SC objects which most likely do not yet exist in the administration;
  • Update changed NAV objects. Some standard NAV objects are changed for SC that need to be updated;
  • Publish the 'SC - NAV2009 WebService' codeunit as a web service using form 810 'Web Services'.
Please note though that in order to import objects in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 you can use only the Classic NAV client.
Backup Standard NAV Objects:

The Sana Commerce installation includes the custom NAV objects as well as the standard objects modified for SC. In order to have the possibility to uninstall correctly the Sana Commerce solution in future, you must backup the objects changed for SC and keep this backup because it will be needed during the uninstallation of SC. It is required to do the backup of the SC objects before starting to import them. For more details on the uninstallation procedure please follow this link.

Take the following steps in order to create the backup:

Step 1: Open the 'Changed Objects Overview' chapter of the online help and locate the list of the standard NAV objects changed by SC.

Step 2: Open the Object Designer in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Client and select the objects which are listed in the aforementioned chapter. Export the selected objects to a 'fob' or 'txt' file.

Step 3: Place the resulting 'fob' or 'txt' file to a reliable backup location and keep it for the whole period of using Sana Commerce.

Import New NAV Objects 

Step 1: Locate the NAV objects:

The objects for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 / R2 Standard are stored directly in the Sana Commerce release package: Sana Commerce 8.2 -> Navision -> NAV2009SP1 / R2. The 'NAV2009SP1 / R2' folder contains subfolder(s) with supported localization(s) of Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

The following files are placed for import in each localization folder:
SC_objects ('*.fob' and '*.txt'). These files contain new Sana Commerce objects.
SC_Standard_objects ('*.fob' and '*.txt'). These files contain changed standard NAV objects.

For example, path to 'NL' localization objects is 'Sana Commerce 8.2\Navision\NAV2009SP1/NL'.

The objects for Microsoft Dynamics NAV with Pebblestone Fashion add-on are stored in the separate folder in the 'Pfs Fashion add-on' package. If you use Microsoft Dynamics NAV with Pebblestone Fashion add-on, you should already have the 'Sana Commerce Fashion add-on' package (named 'Pfs Fashion add-on') with the separate files for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 which you should use instead of the files from the Standard version.

Step 2: Open the Microsoft Dynamics NAV client, go to 'Tools' in the main menu and select 'Object Designer'.

Step 3: Go to 'File' and select 'Import'. Locate the file 'SC_objects.fob' in the 'Navision' folder of the Sana Commerce release package and press 'OK'. The following pop-up window appears: 

Importing of New NAV Objects

Step 4: Press 'Yes' to start the import of the new objects. An overview of the import is shown when it is finished:

Importing of New Objects is Finished 

The Sana Commerce menus will only be shown after the import if the SC ID range is added to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Demo/Dev) license used in the administration. 
Update Changed NAV Objects 
Updating of changed NAV objects can be done in two ways:
  • If the standard NAV objects in your database have already been customized, you should manually merge these objects with the objects from the SC package. Resulted objects will contain both your customization and SC changes:

Step 1: Export the changed NAV objects to a text file using 'Object Designer'.

Step 2: Merge the text file with the 'SC_Standard_objects.txt' file using a merge tool. Check the 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Changes' section for an overview of the changes to the standard NAV objects.

Step 3: Import the resulting text file in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

Step 4: Click 'All' in 'Object Designer'.

Step 5: Apply filter on the 'Compiled' column (click 'View > Field Filter' or press 'F7') and enter 'No' in the filter field:

Applying Filter on the 'Compiled' Column

Step 6: Select all uncompiled objects and click 'Tools > Compile' (or press 'F11'):

Preparing to Compile the Objects

  • If standard objects in your Microsoft Dynamics NAV database are without any customization you can use the 'Import Worksheet' window:

Step 1: Open 'Object Designer'.

Step 2: Go to 'File' and select 'Import'. Locate the file 'SC_Standard_objects.fob' and press 'OK'.
You will get the following pop-up message:

Conflicts Between Standard and Imported Objects were Found

Step 3: Click 'OK' to open the 'Import Worksheet' window:

The 'Import Worksheet' Window

A list of changed objects is shown. Make sure to select 'Replace' for changed objects in your administration to guarantee that the SC changes are correctly imported:

Objects were Imported Successfully
Publish the 'SC - NAV2009 WebService' Codeunit as a Web Service Using Form 810 'Web Services'
After the objects were imported or updated you should publish the 'SC - NAV2009 WebService' codeunit as a web service using form 810 'Web Services':

Step 1: Open 'Object Designer'.

Step 2: Click the 'Codeunit' button.

Step 3: Make sure that the codeunit 'SC - NAV2009 WebService' (object ID: '11123303') is available.

Step 4: Click the 'Form' button.

Step 5: Locate the 'Web Services' form (object ID: '810') and click 'Run'.

Step 6: Create a new line with the following information:

Object type - Codeunit
Object ID - 11123303
Service Name - SC_NAV2009_WebService
Published - Yes (select the check box)

'Service Name' must be 'SC_NAV2009_WebService', exactly the same as stated above.

The 'Web Services' Form

Step 7: Close the window and you are done.

Now you should check whether the new SC web service is published correctly. In order to do this:

Step 1: Open Internet Explorer (please note that only Internet Explorer can be used).

Step 2: Paste the following link in the address field: http://localhost:7047/DynamicsNAV/WS/CRONUS International Ltd/Codeunit/SC_NAV2009_WebService.

Step 3: Press 'Enter'.

The company name in the link (in our case it is 'CRONUS%20International%20Ltd') depends on the company name in a demo database you are going to use.

Indication That the Service is Published Correctly