How toInstall a Theme Package

Install a Theme Package

Sana Commerce 8.2
Your provider

How to Install a Theme Package

The theme package contains additional themes which can be installed into a Sana Commerce project. These themes apply different color schemes to the webshop and can serve as a starting point for the company branding of the webshop.

To install the themes into a Sana Commerce project follow these steps:

Step 1: Copy the contents of the theme package depending on Sana Commerce solution you are using:

  • If you use the SDK version copy the files from the '[Theme package]\SDK' folder to the root folder of your project.
  • If you use the Ready to Deploy version copy the files from the '[Theme package]\Ready for Deploy' folder to the root folder of your project.

Step 2: Execute the SQL script 'SC 8.2 Theme Package.sql' from the root of the theme package on your target database.

The demo themes are installed and can be seen in the Sana Commerce backoffice -> Settings -> Themes.

How toInstall a Theme Package