Knowledge BaseSearch Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Sana Commerce 8.3
Your provider

Search Engine Friendly URLs

The URLs of the webshop are rewritten to become search engine friendly, this can potentially increase the presence of your webshop URLs in the index of search engine.

The ASP.NET Routing is used in order to create such engine friendly URLs. It basically translates the parameters to a directory like structure.


The code which contains implementation of the ASP.NET Routing for Sana Commerce, can be found in Sana.Commerce.Web.Business.Utilities.UrlRouting namespace in Sana.Commerce.Web.Business assembly.

The entry point for Routing-related functionality is RouteManager class. This class is used to register virtual URLs to existing web pages of the frontend, as it can be found and edited in Global.asax file.

If there is a need to customize the RouteManager class functionality a new class can be created which implements IRouteManager interface. This new class should be then registered for IRouteManager interface via ObjectManager.

The identifiers of the products, customers and orders are used in the URLs. If you need to use special symbols in the product IDs, customer IDs and order IDs, which are not allowed in the URLs, then character replacement rules should be configured in the Sana Commerce backoffice. For more information see 'Character Replacement Rules'.
Knowledge BaseSearch Engine Optimization