Install Sana Add-on in NAV Environment

Open 'Install Sana Commerce on NAV Environment' wizard, choose you NAV version and service to see more information.

Import NAV Objects


Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics 2013 - 2018

To import objects into Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 - 2018, you can use only Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment.

If you have Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 and you want to install the Sana extension, but not import the NAV objects, skip this article and read the next one.

When the code base and the SQL database are in place and Microsoft Dynamics NAV administration is configured to be accessed, then the Microsoft Dynamics NAV side can be configured. 

Backup the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects

Sana Commerce installation includes the custom Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects as well as the standard objects modified by Sana Commerce. In order to have the possibility to uninstall correctly the Sana Commerce solution in future, you must backup the objects changed by Sana Commerce and keep this backup because it will be needed during uninstallation of Sana Commerce. It is required to do the backup of the Sana Commerce objects before starting to import them.

Take the following steps in order to create the backup:

Step 1: Open the 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Changes' chapter of the Sana online help and locate the list of the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects changed by Sana Commerce.

Step 2: Open the 'Object Designer' in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment and select the objects which are listed in the aforementioned chapter. Export the selected objects to a 'fob' or 'txt' file.

Step 3: Place the resulting 'fob' or 'txt' file to a reliable backup location and keep it for the whole period of using Sana Commerce.

Import the new Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects


Important: Sana Commerce delivers Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects for W1 and NA localizations. You can check the list of NAV versions and localizations for which the NAV objects are available on the Sana Community web site.

If you are using some other localization, for example DE (German), it may happen that it contains country/region specific features which are not present in the W1 localization as they are not considered generic enough or vice versa the features which are present in the W1 localization are not included into your localized objects. In this case a problem may occur if either in the new Sana objects or in the standard NAV objects changed by Sana there is a reference to some standard NAV functionality which is not present in your localized Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects. To avoid the problem which may occur in this situation your NAV developers should carefully merge the Sana objects with your localized objects. We also recommend to recompile all Sana objects after they are merged to make sure that there are no errors.

Step 1: Take the Sana Commerce objects for your Microsoft Dynamics NAV version. They can be downloaded on the Sana Community web site. Only registered Sana partners can download NAV objects from Sana Community. If you are a customer, please contact your implementation partner.
The package with NAV objects contains the following files:
SC_objects ('*.fob' and '*.txt'). These files contain new Sana Commerce objects.
SC_Standard_objects ('*.fob' and '*.txt'). These files contain changed standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects.


The Sana Commerce objects for Microsoft Dynamics NAV with Pebblestone Fashion add-on or LS Retail add-on are stored in separate packages.

Step 2: Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, click 'Tools' and select 'Object Designer'.

Step 3: Click on 'File' and select 'Import'. Locate the 'SC_objects.fob' file in the 'Navision' folder of the Sana Commerce release package and click 'OK'. You will see a message that all objects have been examined. Click 'Yes' to import all objects. 

You will see the results of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects import procedure when it is completed.


The 'Webshop' department and all Sana Commerce functionality will be shown only when the objects are imported, if the SC ID range is added to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Demo/Dev) license used in the administration and the Sana Commerce functionality is enabled.


Update the changed Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects

Updating of the changed Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects can be done in two ways:
  • If the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects in your database have already been customized, you should manually merge these objects with the objects from the Sana Commerce package. The resulted objects will contain both your customization and Sana Commerce changes:

Step 1: Export the changed Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects to a 'txt' file using 'Object Designer' in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment.

Step 2: Merge the text file with the 'SC_Standard_objects.txt' file using a merge tool. Check the 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Changes' chapter for an overview of the changes to the standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV objects.


Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 - 2017

Make sure that you have merged the 'ApplicationVersion' procedure in 'Codeunit 1 - Application Management'. Otherwise, the Sana Commerce webstore will not work. This procedure contains the version of Sana Commerce. Depending on the NAV objects you are merging the versions of NAV and Sana may differ in this line of code.


Step 3: Import the resulting text file in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment.

Step 4: Click 'All' in 'Object Designer'.

Step 5: Apply filter to the 'Compiled' column (click 'View > Field Filter' or press 'F7') and enter 'No' in the filter field:

Applying Filter to the 'Compiled' Column

Step 6: Select all uncompiled objects and click 'Tools > Compile' (or press 'F11') to compile them.

  • If the standard objects in your Microsoft Dynamics NAV database are without any customization you can use the 'Import Worksheet' window:

Step 1: Open 'Object Designer' in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment.

Step 2: Go to 'File' and select 'Import'. Locate the file 'SC_Standard_objects.fob' and click 'OK'. You will see a message that conflicts between the standard and imported objects were found.

Step 3: Click 'OK' to open the 'Import Worksheet' window.

In the 'Import Worksheet' window you will see a list of the changed objects. Make sure to select 'Replace' action for the changed objects in your administration to guarantee that the Sana Commerce changes are correctly imported.