Advanced Installation TopicsSSL Certificate for AX Web Service

SSL Certificate for AX Web Service

Sana Commerce 8.1
Your provider

Configure IIS to Listen to HTTPS

To configure Internet Information Services (IIS) to listen to HTTPS:

Step 1: Open IIS Manager: Start -> Run and type 'inetmgr'.

Step 2: In the IIS Manager select the web site where AX web service is running.

Step 3: Add new HTTPS binding for this web site with a previously imported certificate:

  • Click 'Bindings…' on the right pane and then click 'Add…';
  • In the 'Add Site Binding' window add the new binding for HTTPS and generated SSL certificate:

    Adding HTTPS Binding

Step 4: Open SSL Settings for this web site, enable the 'Accept' option and click 'Apply' on the right pane to accept the certificate from the client.

Advanced Installation TopicsSSL Certificate for AX Web Service