InstallationInstall Sana Commerce Webshop on Web and Database Server

Install Sana Commerce Webshop on Web and Database Server

Configure IIS

Now that the web application is in place, it can be connected to IIS, so it is exposed to the Internet: 

Step 1: Create a new website in IIS:

Creating a New Website in IIS 7

Step 2:  Give an appropriate name to the website, select the IP address and domain names, which will run the Sana Commerce solution and map the website's physical path to the frontend directory of the Sana Commerce solution on the file system (see the 'Install the Web Applications' chapter). The application pool is automatically created.

Step 3: Check if 'Anonymous Authentication' is enabled for the newly created web site (switch to the features view and go to 'IIS -> Authentication').

Step 4: Select the newly created application pool and click 'Basic Settings…'. Select '.NET Framework v4.0.30319' from the '.NET Framework version' dropdown.

Step 5: Select 'Classic' mode in the 'Managed pipeline mode' dropdown during the creation of the new application pool. In this mode, the server will continue to route requests for managed code through 'Aspnet_isapi.dll', processing requests the same way, as if the application was running in IIS 6.0. You can also select 'Integrated' mode (in this mode the server will use the integrated, request-processing pipelines of IIS and ASP.NET to process the request), but in this case you will have to convert the 'web.config' which is not recommended:

Selecting 'Classic' Mode in IIS 7

Step 6: Click 'Advanced Settings...' on the right panel, go to 'Process Model -> Identity' and set SC_Webuser in the 'Custom account' field (the user which was created in the 'Create NT Users' chapter):

Setting SC_Webuser to Run Application Pool

Below you can find the IIS7 components which at least have to be installed.
More information for users of IIS 7.0 about can be found here: Available Role Services in IIS 7.0
More information for users of IIS 7.5 about can be found here: Available Web Server (IIS) Role Services in IIS 7.5
In order to see the installed components go to 'Start->Administrative Tools->Server Manager->Roles Summary->Add Roles->Add Roles Wizard'.
Minimal Installed IIS 7 Components

Step 7: Click right on the newly created website and select 'Add Application…'. Choose 'Backoffice' as name (or a different name, if preferred), select the newly created application pool and map the physical path to the backoffice directory of the Sana Commerce solution in the file system (see the 'Install the Web Applications' chapter).

There are system names which cannot be used in a virtual directory name. For example: shop, profile, checkout.
If you create a virtual directory in IIS, do not use system names in the virtual directory names. Otherwise, this will cause problems with running the frontend.

Step 8: Select server in IIS, go to 'IIS -> ISAPI and CGI Restrictions' and allow ASP.NET 4 to run.