InstallationPrepare AX Server Environment

Prepare AX Server Environment

Configure the Web Service

To configure the web service the following steps should be performed:

Step 1: Click the 'Configure' button to modify the WCF configuration.

If the Windows SDK is installed the 'WCF Service Configuration Editor' (SvcConfigEditor.exe) will open and enable you to modify the WCF configuration.

Step 2: Create a new service binding (binding type 'wsHttpBinding') and set the binding name (e.g. 'ws01').

Step 3: Set the values for the following properties 'MaxBuferPoolSize', 'MaxReceivedMessageSize', 'MaxArrayLength' and 'MaxBytesPerRead'.

Creating and Configuring a Service Binding

Step 4: Modify the automatically generated endpoint or create a new one and set the endpoint name (e.g. 'ep01').

Step 5: Select the 'wsHttpBinding' binding type.

Step 6: Select the previously created binding configuration.

Configuring the Service Endpoint

If the Windows SDK is not installed and 'WCF Service Configuration Editor' is not available then modify the 'web.config' file using any text editor. Do the following modifications in the 'web.config' file of the AIF web site:

<binding name="ws01" maxBufferPoolSize="924288" maxReceivedMessageSize="955360">
  <readerQuotas maxStringContentLength="999999" maxArrayLength="999999" />
  <extendedProtectionPolicy policyEnforcement="Never" />
<service behaviorConfiguration="serviceBehaviorConfiguration" name="Microsoft.Dynamics.IntegrationFramework.Service.AXDataServiceClient">
<endpoint binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="ws01" contract="Microsoft.Dynamics.IntegrationFramework.Service.AXDataServiceClient" />
<behavior name="serviceBehaviorConfiguration">
  <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
  <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="true" />

If all steps have been followed and performed then web service is configured.