InstallationInstall Sana Commerce on AX Environment

Install Sana Commerce on AX Environment

Test AIF Service

To test AIF service the following steps should be performed:

When AIF service is generated and configured it can be tested by browsing to the service whether it functions in Internet Information Services (IIS):

Step 1: Go to the following location: Start > Control Panel > Administrative tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Step 2: Expand the 'Default Web Site' node or the web site node that contains the AIF web services virtual directory.

Step 3: Navigate to the AIF web services virtual directory content view. In the right pane there is a list of services which have the '*.svc' file name extension.

Step 4: Right-click on the '*.svc' file and select 'Browse'. The default web browser will open with the service name at the top:

  • If the web service is correctly configured in IIS a link to the web service WSDL will be shown;
  • If the web service is configured incorrectly in IIS a service error will be shown in the web browser.

If all steps have been followed and performed then Application Integration Framework (AIF) service is configured.