InstallationInstall Sana Commerce Webshop on Web and Database Server

Install Sana Commerce Webshop on Web and Database Server

Configure the Index Task

The 'Index' task is used to retrieve the product information from the database to build or update the webshop index. General information about the 'Index' task can be found here.

The configuration of the 'Index' task is performed in the 'sanaCommerce' configuration section of the backoffice 'web.config' file:

Step 1: Open the backoffice 'web.config' file.

Step 2: Locate the 'sanaCommerce' configuration section.

Step 3: Locate the 'tasks' subsection:

<task name="IndexTask"
      title="Product indexing task"
      type="Sana.Commerce.Tasks.IndexProductsTask, Sana.Commerce.Tasks.TaskScheduler"

Step 4: Check the following configuration parameters and modify them if needed:

Parameter Description
time/interval The daily time or period (in seconds) when the 'Index' task should be run.
batchSize The quantity of products which are handled in one batch.
allowManualStart This parameter is 'true' by default and it specifies that the task can be started manually in the backoffice.
sortNumber The sort order in which the scheduled tasks are arranged in the backoffice.

SC_Webuser  must have 'Modify' permission to the folder where the created index files are stored.

For more information about logging in task scheduler read this chapter.