InstallationInstall Sana Commerce Webshop on Web and Database Server

Install Sana Commerce Webshop on Web and Database Server

Configure the Countries

During the registration process in the webshop a customer has to specify the country of residence. The 'Country' dropdown is also available on the 'Your details', 'Prospect details' pages and on the second step of the checkout process, when a customer needs to specify the address the order should be delivered to.

To add a new country to make it available in the 'Country' dropdown on the Starter Site a SQL script should be executed on the Sana Commerce database:

Step 1: Before executing the script the following values should be set in the script:

Value Description
The ID of the country which should be available in the 'Country' dropdown on the Starter Site.
The name of the country which should be available in the 'Country' dropdown on the Starter Site.
DECLARE @countryId nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @countryName nvarchar(MAX)
SET @countryId = '[coutry id]'
SET @countryName = '[country name]'
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Countries]
    1, /* 1 - visible, 0 - invisible */
    CAST('<FieldsDictionary><field name="Name" type="System.String, mscorlib"><string>' + @countryName + '</string></field></FieldsDictionary>' as xml)
You can also download the SQL script.

Step 2: When the values for the new country are set, execute the SQL script on the Sana Commerce database.

Now the country is added to the database and available in the 'Country' dropdown on the Starter Site.

The countries can be configured in the 'Countries' table in the Sana Commerce SQL database. The 'True' value in the 'Visible' column must be set for the countries which should be available on the Starter Site in the 'Country' dropdown.

By default all added countries are visible.

The 'Countries' Table