User GuideManage Themes

Manage Themes

Sana Commerce 8.3
Your provider

Watch screencast on how to create and change the webshop theme.

Column Container Settings

General Settings


No. Description Default color
Border and separator color (tree, headlines, checkout services and information)
Background color (tree, headlines, checkout services and information)

Left Menu


No. Description Default color
Default category
9A Text color #7C7D73
9B Background start color #FFFFFF
9C Background end color #FFFFFF
Hover category
9D Text color #7C7D73
9E Background color  #E2E2DE
Active category
9F Text color #FFFFFF
9G Background start color  #c91f40
9H Background end color #ac1b37


No. Description Default color
Selected facet background start color
Selected facet background end color
User GuideManage Themes