Add-ons and ModulesPostFinance


Sana Commerce 9.0
Your connector

Configure Payment Methods

When the PostFinance payment provider is configured in Sana Admin you need to set up the necessary payment methods supported by PostFinance.
To configure payment methods:
Step 1: In Sana Admin click: Setup > Ordering & checkout > Payment methods.
Step 2: Under the Payment methods tab create and configure the necessary payment methods.
For more information about how to create and configure payment methods in Sana Admin, see 'Payment methods' on the Sana help web site.

The table below provides the description of the PostFinance payment provider specific fields:

 Fields  Description
PM Payment method.

The list of all payment methods (PM values) supported by PostFinance can be found in the PostFinance BackOffice: Support > Integration & user manuals > Technical Guides > Payment Methods Processing/Procedures.

Example: CreditCard

BRAND Brand of a credit/debit/purchasing card.

Example: VISA

If you send the BRAND field without sending a value in the PM field ('CreditCard' or 'Purchasing Card'), the BRAND value will not be taken into account.
The list of brands (BRAND values) supported by PostFinance can be found in the PostFinance BackOffice: Support > Integration & user manuals > Technical Guides > Payment Methods Processing/Procedures.

PMLIST List of selected payment methods and/or credit card brands. Separated by a ";" (semi-colon).

Example: VISA; MasterCard; American Express.

Test the payment flow to see if everything works fine using the created payment methods.

Add-ons and ModulesPostFinance