How toWeb Service Developer Guide

Web Service Developer Guide

Sana Commerce 9.0
Your connector

General Behaviour and HTTP Headers

For most API methods the web service will automatically use the currency and language of the logged in user represented in the Ticket header or of the impersonated customer represented in the ImpersonateId and ImpersonateType headers. This behaviour can be overridden by sending a different language code or currency code in the LanguageId and CurrencyId headers.

The table below provides HTTP headers and their description:

Name Possible values Description
Ticket String
Max. length: 255
The encrypted ticket of the user executing the request. This encrypted ticket is returned when successfully using the 'login' API method. Depending on the configured shop type (B2B, B2C or B2X) this header can be required for the API methods requiring user credentials.
LanguageId Int
Decimal representation of a Windows language code:
A valid Windows language code is used to define the language in the response. The usage can differ per API method but in general the textual descriptions of data (like products) are returned in the specified language (if available).
CurrencyId String
ISO 4217 Currency code:
An ISO 4217 currency code representing the currency used for price information in the response.
ImpersonateId String ID of the customer/contact on behalf of whom the sales agent is executing this request. For example this can mean that price and stock information specific for this customer/contact is returned or that an order is placed for this customer/contact.

It is allowed to specify this HTTP header only when a ticket is provided for a sales agent.

ImpersonateType ShopAccountType enumeration
Possible values: Customer, Contact
Type of the impersonated user for which the request will be executed. Should match with the ID of the customer/contact specified in the ImpersonateId HTTP header.

It is allowed to specify this HTTP header only when a ticket is provided for a sales agent.

How toWeb Service Developer Guide