How toDesign Pack [Sana 9.1.4 & later]

Design Pack [Sana 9.1.4 & later]

Sana Commerce 9.1
Your connector

Create a Design Pack

To create a design pack:

Step 1: Create the 'sanamanifest.xml' file in the root of the design pack.

Step 2: Enter package metadata and page and/or store layouts information. For more information about how to create the 'sanamanifest.xml' file, read the previous article.

Step 3: Create the content folder in the root of the design pack. Inside this folder you can create any other folders that correspond to the Sana Commerce frontend directory hierarchy and add there any page/store views, CSS files, JavaScript files, images and icons. For more information, read the previous article about the design pack contents and structure.

Step 4: When everything is created, you can build the design pack. You need to archive the contents of the design pack, so that the sanamanifest.xml file, the content folder, and optionally the themes folder are in the root of the package. When the design pack is added to archive, change the archive extension to *.sanapkg.

Now you can upload the design pack to Sana and apply the page and/or store layouts stored in the package to your webstore. Log in to Sana Admin and click: Setup > Design > Design packs. For more information, see 'Design'.

How toDesign Pack [Sana 9.1.4 & later]