User GuideLS Retail

LS Retail

Sana Commerce 9.1
Your connector

Discount Offers

The retail items can be sold at a discount price by setting up discount offers. Discount offer is a percentage discount from a regular item price.

To create a discount offer:

Step 1: Click on: LS Retail - BackOffice > Offers > Discount Offers.

Step 2: Create a new discount offer:

Discount Offer

Step 3: Under the 'General' FastTab fill in the 'Description' and 'Price Group' fields.

Step 4: Under the 'Lines' FastTab in the 'Type' field select whether the offer is valid for an Item, Product Group, Item Category or All items.

Step 5:  In the 'No.' field select the corresponding number according to your choice in the 'Type' field.

Step 6: In the 'Disc. %' field set the discount % given to the items/product groups/item categories in the offer. You can specify discount value per each line. Or under the 'Benefits' FastTab you can set discount value which will be used for all lines.

This way you can create as many lines for each item, product group or item category as needed to include in the discount offer.

Using the 'Exclude' check box you can also forbid usage of the discount offer for any item, product group or item category.

Step 7: To activate an offer click 'Enable' at the top of the window.

To edit or delete the discount offer firstly it should be disabled.

Under the 'Periodic Trigger' FastTab you can also set limits on the validation period for the offer.

An item can be valid in many offers. In this case you can define priority of the offers under the 'General' FastTab.

User GuideLS Retail