Content ElementsShopping Cart Upload

Shopping Cart Upload

Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector

Additional Information

Sana orderability settings

Using the "Shopping Cart Upload" add-on, you should also take into account the orderability settings in Sana where you can allow and forbid customers of a certain type to order.

For example, if you allow B2B customers to order, but B2C customers can only browse the catalog, then B2C customers should not be able to use the "Shopping Cart Upload" content element to upload products to the basket. By default, the page with the "Shopping Cart Upload" content element is available to all customers. But if you want to hide it from customers of a certain type, you can create a customer segment and assign it either to the content element on the page or to the navigation item.

Dragging and dropping in Internet Explorer

If you use Internet Explorer and you cannot drag and drop the CSV file, check whether this option is enabled.

Step 1: Open Internet Explorer and click: Tools > Internet options.

Step 2: Under the Security tab click Custom level.

Step 3: Find the option Drag and drop or copy and paste files and check whether it is enabled.

Content ElementsShopping Cart Upload