Other Add-onsAvalara [AX]

Avalara [AX]

Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector


Sana Commerce for Microsoft Dynamics AX supports Avalara AvaTax. Avalara is the market leading provider which helps businesses of all sizes achieve compliance with transactional taxes, including VAT, sales tax, excite tax, and other tax types. Avalara's integration with Microsoft Dynamics ERP systems lets you automate your entire sales tax management process.

If you are using Avalara AvaTax for Microsoft Dynamics AX to manage and calculate taxes, and you want those taxes to be shown to your customers in a Sana web store, you need to add a few lines of code to the Sana add-on for Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Step 1: Open the Sana Commerce project in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

Step 2: Find the "SC_AXDataServiceClient_Order" class and modify the "calculateSalesTotals" method.

Step 3: Declare the "AVA_TaxEngine" class. See the first red line.

Step 4: Get the tax for the sales quotations. See the second and third red lines.

Step 5: Get the tax for the sales orders. See the fourth and fifth red lines.

Once you make the above listed code changes, taxes calculated by Avalara AvaTax in your Microsoft Dynamics AX system will be also shown to your customers in the Sana web store.

Other Add-onsAvalara [AX]