Advanced Installation TopicsMultiple NAV 2009 Server Services

Multiple NAV 2009 Server Services

Sana Commerce 9.3
Your connector

Configure a Second Service

Before you can start to use a second service, you should specify the name for the new server instance, service port number and NAV database name:

Step 1: Open the 'CustomSettings.config' file in the 'Service2' directory using any text editor. The default path to this file is: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service2.

Step 2: Locate the following line and replace the value 'DynamicsNAV' with 'DynamicsNAV2', which is the name for your new server instance:

<add key="ServerInstance" value="DynamicsNAV" />

Step 3: Locate the tag with key 'WebServicePort' and change the default port number to the port number on which the new web service is running (by default the port number is 7047):

<add key="WebServicePort" value="7047"></add>

Step 4: Locate the tag with key 'DatabaseName' and specify the name of your NAV database:

<add key="DatabaseName" value="Demo Database NAV (6-0)"></add>
Advanced Installation TopicsMultiple NAV 2009 Server Services