Delivery ServicesTranssmart [Deprecated]

Transsmart [Deprecated]

Sana Commerce 9.3
Your connector

Request Transsmart Account, Add Booking Profiles and Packages

Before using Transsmart, you must request the account from Transsmart. Once you have received the credentials, log in to MyTranssmart dashboard.

In the MyTranssmart dashboard you need to create booking profiles and set up the supported packages.

To create the booking profiles, in the MyTranssamart dashboard click: Manage Account > Booking Profiles. Each Transsmart shipping method that you create in Sana must be linked to the booking profile in the MyTranssmart dashboard.

To set up the supported packages, in the MyTranssmart dashboard click: Manage Account > Packages. All package types you set up in the Sana's Transsmart add-on must match the package types added in the MyTranssmart dashboard.

When you have all the necessary information from Transsmart, you can start configuring the Transsmart add-on in Sana Admin.

Delivery ServicesTranssmart [Deprecated]