Sana Commerce 9.3
Your connector

Prospects and Ordering Process

Sales agent can create a prospective customer and place a sales order on behalf of this customer in the Sana web store.

Create a prospective customer

Step 1: Log in the Sana web store as a sales agent.

Step 2: On the My account page click Create a prospect order.

Step 3: Enter the details of the prospective customer.

Those counties which are available in the Country dropdown of the prospect details should be configured in the Visible Countries table in SAP. The prospect functionality will work correctly only if a customer template is assigned to each visible in the web store country.

If no customer template is available, you can create the one yourself.

For more information, see "Visible Countries".

When the prospect information is entered and saved, this prospect will be automatically assigned to the sales agent. Now a sales agent can place an order on behalf of the prospective customer. The ordering process is the same as when a regular customer is represented by a sales agent.

A prospective customer created in the web store by the sales agent will be saved in SAP as a customer with the customer account group configured in the Account Group Mapping table. The account group that is used to create a prospective customer should be set for the CREATE_CONTACTS program name.

For more information, see "Account Group Mapping".

The sales representative can place orders on behalf of a prospective customer until this customer is represented. If a sales representative stops representing this prospective customer it will not be possible to represent him or her again. But it is possible to change the customer account group (XD07) of the prospective customer in SAP if necessary, for example to "sold-to party", and make him or her a regular customer on behalf of whom a sales agent will be able to place orders.