ConfigurationProduct Import

Product Import

Configure Product Import

The product import functionality uses the Sana Commerce task scheduler. You can read more about it in this chapter.
The configuration of the product import task can be found in the 'sanaCommerce' configuration section of the backoffice 'web.config' file.
To configure the product import task:
  •  Open the backoffice 'web.config' file.
  •  Locate the 'sanaCommerce' configuration section.
  •  Locate the 'tasks' subsection:
    <task name="ProductImport"
           type="Sana.Commerce.Tasks.Import.ProductImportTask, Sana.Commerce.Tasks.ProductImport"
           sourceCustomerProviderId = "NavisionFashionCustomerProvider"
           sourceCatalogProviderId = "NavisionFashionCatalogProvider"
           destinationWebsiteCode = "B2xSql"
  •  Check the following configuration nodes and change them if needed:
    sourceCustomerProviderId: Identifier of the Customer provider, which is used to get a B2C Template Customer from NAV. It is selected from the 'Sana Commerce - Modules' configuration section of the web.config.
    sourceCatalogProviderId: Identifier of the Catalog provider, which is used as the source for the product data. It is selected from the 'Sana Commerce - Modules' configuration section of the web.config.
    destinationWebsiteCode:  the code of the webshop where the products will be imported for. It is selected from the 'Sana Commerce - Sites' configuration section of the web.config.
    importOnlyModified: when this parameter is set to 'true' the product import task will import only the products which have been modified since the last time of successful product import.  Otherwise all visible products will be imported. 'true' is the default value.
    batchSize: the quantity of products which are handled in one batch.
    horizontalVariantComponentGroupCode: ID for the horizontal variant component group.
    horizontalVariantComponentGroupTitle: name for the horizontal variant component group.
    verticalVariantComponentGroupCode: ID for the vertical variant component group.
    verticalVariantComponentGroupTitle: name for the vertical variant component group.
    normalVariantComponentGroupCode: ID for the  variant component group for product variants without components.
    normalVariantComponentGroupTitle: name for the variant component group for product variants without components.
All configuration nodes are required parameters and should be filled in.
ConfigurationProduct Import