ConfigurationProduct Stock and Price Import

Product Stock and Price Import

Errors Handling and Logging

The products stock and price for import from MS Dynamics NAV database to the SQL database are taken by batches.  If it is impossible to get some batch then it is skipped, the next batch is taken and the information about the skipped batch is being logged.
Please read more information about logging in task schedulers here.
After each separate batch was taken the data is being saved to the SQL database per each product one by one. If it is impossible to save the data of some product then it is skipped, the next product is taken and the information about the skipped batch is being logged.
The process of saving each product is performed in transactions.  If some information cannot be saved correct then all data saving process for this product is rolled back.  The unsaved product is skipped and the saving process is started for next product.  Information about the skipped product is being logged.
If any of the described errors occur during import process the status of the task will be set to 'Failed'.
ConfigurationProduct Stock and Price Import