ConfigurationConfigure Server Explorer

Configure Server Explorer

Configure Server Explorer

Uploaded files are stored in the folder which is specified in the 'web.config' file of the backoffice.

In order to specify the path to the folder where files are stored, please complete next steps:

  • Open the 'web.config' file of the 'Sana.Commerce.BackOffice' project in VS2008;
  • Locate the <appSettings> configuration section:
          <add key="FrontendContentPath" value="Path"/>
          <add key="FrontendPath" value="Path"/>
The attribute is described in the table below:

Attribute Description
FrontendContentPath It is a physical path to the content directory.
This path specifies the folder which is used to store the files. For example the value can be:
"C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Sana Commerce\Frontend\content\images\content"
FrontendPath It is a physical path to the root frontend directory. For example the value can be:
"C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Sana Commerce\Frontend"

If you need to upload a lot of files at once, it can be done not only through the server explorer but also via FTP.

For the correct image handling work the wildcard must be configured. For more information, please read this chapter.
ConfigurationConfigure Server Explorer