Add-ons and ModulesDocData PSP

DocData PSP

Sana Commerce 8.1
Your provider

DocData Specific Configuration Values

In order to configure DocData, open the 'web.config' file of the Sana Commerce Starter Site project in VS2008. Locate the <payment-configuration> node in the <sanaCommerceLive> configuration section, where several modules are defined, which implement different payment methods. You only need the 'DocData' module.
For a description of general external payment method configuration values, please read this chapter. Below the DocData specific configuration values are described:
The name of the account that will be used by DocData to process the payment. This information will be supplied by DocData when creating a (test) account.
Default value: depends on the PSP account.
The password of the account that will be used by DocData to process the payment. This information will be supplied by DocData when creating a (test) account.
Default value: depends on the PSP account.
The name of the profile that will be used by default when creating a cluster at DocData. This value is overridden by the value of 'profile' XML field from 'Fields' column in 'PaymentMethods' table, and it is used only when it is not set in database. More information about the profile field can be found in the DocData documentation. This configuration value is required for the DocData payment module.
Default value: standard.
The amount of days the user will have in order to pay the order. For more information about this field, please refer to the DocData documentation. This configuration value is required for the DocData payment module.
Default value: 14
The URL that will be called when creating a cluster within DocData. This value will remain constant unless changed by DocData or when migrating between live/test environments.
Default value: depends on environment.
The URL that will be used to get the status of a payment from DocData. This value will remain constant unless changed by DocData or when migrating between live/test environments
Default value: depends on environment.
The URL within the Sana shop to which the user will be redirected wheb a payment is successfully ended within DocData. If this value is not set in the configuration, the value configured in the backoffice of DocData will be used. This can be a relative URL.
Default value: checkout/ordersubmit.aspx?id=
The URL within the Sana shop to which the user will be redirected when a payment has been cancelled by the user. If this value is not set in the configuration, the value configured in the backoffice of DocData will be used. This can be a relative URL.
Default value: checkout/orderfailed.aspx?id=
The URL within the Sana shop to which the user will be redirected when a payment is still pending when the user has finished the checkout flow at the PSP site. If this value is not set in the configuration, the value configured in the backoffice of DocData will be used. This can be a relative URL.
Default value: checkout/ordersubmit.aspx?id=
The URL within the Sana shop to which the user will be redirected if an unexpected error occurs while trying to pay at the PSP site. If this value is not set in the configuration, the value configured in the backoffice of DocData will be used. This can be a relative URL.
Default value: checkout/orderfailed.aspx?id=
In most cases it is not possible to test a PSP in a development environment without a deployment, because of firewall issues. For DocData, it is possible to test in a development environment by simulating calls made by DocData for testing purposes. These test calls will be made in all domains set in the configuration setting. Multiple values can be separated by the ',' character.
Default value: localhost.
Important! This value is for testing purposes only! Never configure this value for a live domain as it may cause problems with payments.
This setting can only be used in combination with the DebugDomains setting. The test calls made to domains in the 'DebugDomains' setting will be made to this page. In normal cases this will be the confirm page URL of the web shop. A relative URL should be supplied. The {0} value will be replaced by the order Id. 
Default value: checkout/PaymentConfirm.aspx?id={0}
Add-ons and ModulesDocData PSP