Developer Workstation Installation

Open 'Developer Workstation Installation' wizard, choose your scenario to see more provider-related information of the installation manual.

Configure the Image Link Task

The 'Image Link' task reads product image information from the file system, stores this file information in the Sana Commerce SQL database and links it to the corresponding products.
The 'Image Link' task uses the Sana Commerce task scheduler (you can read more about the task scheduler in this chapter). It is configured in the task scheduler configuration section of the backoffice web.config file:

Step 1: Open the backoffice 'web.config' file.

Step 2: Locate the 'sanaCommerce' configuration section.

Step 3: Locate the 'tasks' subsection:

<task name="ImageLink"
      type="Sana.Commerce.Tasks.ImageLink.ImageLinkTask, Sana.Commerce.Tasks.ImageLink"

Step 4: Check the following configuration nodes and change them if needed:

  • imageDirectory: the path to the physical directory name in the thumbnail folder of the product images ('Small' folder);
  • batchSize: the quantity of images which are handled in one batch;

    'batchSize' does not have the default value so this parameter should be specified in order to prevent the exception.

  • time/interval:  the daily time or period (in seconds) when the 'Image Link' task should be performed again. The interval can be changed to certain time of the day, please read this chapter for more information;
  • allowManualStart: this parameter is 'true' by default and it specifies that the task can be started manually in the backoffice;
  • sortNumber: the sort order in which the scheduled tasks are arranged in the backoffice;
  • idSeparator: the symbol to separate the product image information parts in the image filename. Default value: '_'. For more information about product image filename, please read this chapter.

For more information about logging in task scheduler read this chapter.