Advanced Installation TopicsSSL Certificate for NAS Service

SSL Certificate for NAS Service

Sana Commerce 8.1
Your provider

Assign the SSL Certificate for the Port

To be able to accomplish this step in Windows XP, you need the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools (make sure to install the optional tools). They can be downloaded here:;displaylang=en&familyid=49ae8576-9bb9-4126-9761-ba8011fabf38&displaylang=en.
Open the Windows command prompt and run the following command:
httpcfg set ssl -i <server ip>:<port> -h <thumbprint> -g "{guid}"
<thumbprint>: the Thumbprint of the ssl certificate without spaces (see the image 'Thumbprint in the Certificate Properties' earlier).
{guid}: the new guid for configuration (just generate a new GUID).
As a result the message 'HttpSetServiceConfiguration completed with 0' should be shown.
Advanced Installation TopicsSSL Certificate for NAS Service