How toWeb Service Developer Guide

Web Service Developer Guide

API Methods

This chapter provides an overview of the available API methods and indicates whether a method requires a ticket:

URI: catalog/product/{productId} HTTP method: GET Requires auth.: B2B
Returns the product entity related to the specified product ID. This API method supports the HTTP headers described in the 'General Behavior & HTTP Headers' chapter.

URI: catalog/productcategories HTTP method: GET Requires auth.: B2B
Gets all visible and non-empty products categories. This API method supports the HTTP headers described in the 'General Behavior & HTTP Headers' chapter to specify the language.

URI: catalog/productsbyloadoptions HTTP method: PUT Requires auth.: B2B
Gets products by load options. The load options can be specified in the request body. This API method supports the HTTP headers described in the 'General Behavior & HTTP Headers' chapter.

URI: catalog/productsbyproductset/{productsetId} HTTP method: PUT Requires auth.: B2B
Gets products by product set. Optionally the load options can be provided in the request body. This API method supports the HTTP headers described in the 'General Behavior & HTTP Headers' chapter.

URI: catalog/quickorderproductsets HTTP method: GET Requires auth.: B2B
Gets all product sets available for quick ordering in the webshop. This API method supports the HTTP headers described in the 'General Behavior & HTTP Headers' chapter to specify the language.

URI: catalog/search/{keywords} HTTP method: PUT Requires auth.: B2B
Searches products by providing the search keywords. This API method supports the HTTP headers described in the 'General Behavior & HTTP Headers' chapter.

URI: customer/countries HTTP method: GET Requires auth.: No
Returns a list of countries from which the orders can be placed. This API method supports the HTTP headers described in the 'General Behavior & HTTP Headers' chapter to specify the language.

URI: customer/createprospect HTTP method: PUT Requires auth.: SA
Creates a new prospect in the system. Returns the created contact object including generated fields like ID, which can be used in the 'order/placeorder' API method.

URI: customer/customersbysalesagent HTTP method: GET Requires auth.: SA
Gets customers related to the specified sales agent.

URI: customer/login HTTP method: PUT Requires auth.: No
Generates a user-specific ticket, which can be used for authentication in other API methods.

URI: customer/search HTTP method: GET Requires auth.: SA
Searches customers on different criteria. When a customer ID is specified in the request, a search is performed only on this ID, other fields are ignored. Otherwise, first a combined search on all specified fields is performed ('contains' condition is used). When the above searches have no results then each field is searched individually. The results are combined in the output collection. A maximum of 100 customers are returned. If a field specified, the required minimum length is 3 characters.

URI: customer/shippingaddresses/{customerId} HTTP method: GET Requires auth.: SA
Gets the shipping addresses of the specified customer. When no shipping addresses are found, the customer's profile address is returned.

URI: mobile/navigation HTTP method: GET Requires auth.: B2B
Gets the navigation configured for mobile devices. This API method supports the HTTP headers described in the 'General Behavior & HTTP Headers' chapter to specify the language. If no language is specified or the navigation in the specified language does not exist, then the navigation of the default language is returned.

URI: mobile/settings HTTP method: GET Requires auth.: No
Gets the configured settings for mobile devices. Only encrypted input parameters are accepted. This API method supports the HTTP headers described in the 'General Behavior & HTTP Headers' chapter to specify the language.

URI: order/calculatebasket HTTP method: PUT Requires auth.: Yes
Calculates a basket. A basket object must be sent to this method containing basket lines with product IDs and quantities filled, and a BasketType with a value of 'Basket', 'Order' or 'WishList'. The output is a fully calculated basket.

URI: order/details/{orderType}/{orderId} HTTP method: GET Requires auth.: Yes
Gets the details for an order. The orderType can be either 'Order', 'Quote', 'CreditNote', 'Invoice', 'ReturnReceipt' or 'Shipment'.

URI: order/pendingorders HTTP method: PUT Requires auth.: Yes
Gets the pending orders for a customer, contact or sales agent.

URI: order/placeorder HTTP method: PUT Requires auth.: Yes
Places an order in the webshop.
How toWeb Service Developer Guide