Add-ons and ModulesPayPal Express Checkout PSP

PayPal Express Checkout PSP

Sana Commerce 8.2
Your provider

PayPal Express Checkout Specific Configuration Values

The table below provides the description of the PayPal Express Checkout payment module configuration values:

Name Description
USER This is the API username of the seller account.
Default value: depends on the account
PWD This is the API username of the seller account.
Default value: depends on the account
SIGNATURE This is the API signature of the seller account.
Default value: depends on the account
RETURNURL This value indicates the page to which the user is redirected after a successful payment.
Default value: checkout/ordersubmit.aspx?id={0}
CANCELURL This value indicates the page to which the user is redirected after a cancelled payment.
Default value: checkout/ordercancelled.aspx?id={0}
NOTIFYURL This value indicates the page that is called by PayPal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) service.
Default value: checkout/paymentconfirm.aspx?id={0}

More detailed information about the PayPal parameters can be found here.

For a description of general external payment method configuration values, please read this chapter.

If you want to post some optional parameters open the 'web.config' file of the Sana Commerce frontend. Locate the <payment-configuration> node in the <sanaCommerce> configuration section, where several modules are defined, which implement different payment methods. The 'PayPal Express Checkout' module is only needed. Add new configuration entry in the following format:

<add name="parameter name" value="parameter value" isRequestParameter="true" />
Add-ons and ModulesPayPal Express Checkout PSP