Advanced Installation TopicsConfigure Multiple AX Web Services

Configure Multiple AX Web Services

Sana Commerce 8.3
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Multiple AX Web Services Configuration

Before you start to set up multiple instances of the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 web services you must check the following prerequisites:

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 instance. For more information read 'Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Installation Guide';
  • .NET Business Connecter. Business Connector proxy user must be created and configured. For more information read the chapters of the Installation Manual 'Install the .NET Business Connector' and 'Set the Business Connector Proxy User');
  • AIF web service for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. Application pool and website must be created and configured. AIF web service must respond to requests. For more information read the chapters of the Installation Manual 'Install AIF Web Services' and 'Set up AIF Web Site'.

If the prerequisites are checked you can set up multiple instances of the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 web services:

Step 1: Install the second environment of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009.

Step 2: Install the second AIF web service. Configure it in the same way as the first one. See the prerequisites.

Step 3: Create a new Business Connector non-interactive configuration:

  • Run the configuration utility. It can be found at the following location: Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 Configuration;

  • In the Configuration target list select 'Business Connector' (non-interactive use only);

  • Click 'Manage' and then 'Create configuration…';

  • In the 'Create configuration' dialog box in the 'Name' field type a name;

  • Choose whether to copy settings from the active configuration or the original (default) one and the click 'OK';

  • Go to 'Connection' tab and specify server, instance and port for the second AX environment;

  • Click 'Cancel' to close configuration utility.

    If you click 'OK' or 'Apply' then this configuration will become default and first AIF web service will work using this configuration.

Step 4: Modify the 'web.config' file of the 'Sana.Commerce.BackOffice' project:

  • Open the 'web.config' file of the second AIF website;

  • Locate the <appSettings> configuration section. Check if the key 'BUSINESS_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION' exists. If not then add it. Set key value to the configuration name which was created for Business Connector (see 'Step 3').

           <add key="BUSINESS_CONNECTOR_CONFIGURATION" value="ax2_BC_cfg" />

If all steps have been performed correctly then multiple AX web services are set up successfully on the same server.

Advanced Installation TopicsConfigure Multiple AX Web Services