How toInstall a Language Pack

Install a Language Pack

Sana Commerce 8.3
Your provider

How to Install a Language Pack

Sana Commerce supports the following webshop languages:
  • English
  • Dutch
  • German*
  • Portuguese*
  • French*
  • Spanish*
  • Swedish*
  • Danish*
  • Hungarian*
  • Russian*
  • Arabic*
  • Chinese*
  • Japanese*
  • Korean*
  • Polish*

    * Available as language pack (on demand).

The language pack contains an additional language which can be installed into a Sana Commerce project.

To install a language pack:

Step 1: Copy the folder with its contents '[Language pack]\BackOffice\bin\[language folder]' to the same folder in the Sana Commerce backoffice directory.

Step 2: Copy the resource file from the folder '[Language pack]\Frontend\App_GlobalResources' to the same folder in the Sana Commerce frontend directory.

Step 3: Copy the folder with its contents '[Language pack]\Frontend\bin\[language folder]' to the same folder in the Sana Commerce frontend directory.

Step 4: Copy the language icon from the folder '[Language pack]\Frontend\content\files\images\languages' to the same folder in the Sana Commerce frontend directory.

Step 5: Execute the 'Add language script.sql' script on the Sana Commerce database.

The language pack is installed and now you should create a language-specific content and webshop navigation.

Content and product pages
In the Sana Commerce backoffice 'Content' module create content in the newly added language.
For the detailed information about the content and product pages, see 'Content'.

After the content has been created you should build the webshop navigation for that language.
For more information about how to create the webshop navigation, see 'Navigation'.

Enable language
When webshop content and navigation are created, enable the newly added language in the Sana Commerce backoffice:  Settings > General > Languages.

Applies to:
Sana Commerce 8.3 SP1

When you enable the newly added language, you will see the message that the index should be updated. Click 'Yes' to start the product indexing task or you can do it manually later on.

Applies to:
Sana Commerce 8.3

When the content and navigation is created and the newly added language is enabled, go to scheduled tasks and run the 'Product indexing' task to update the index.

How toInstall a Language Pack