User GuideSana Mobile App 1.4

Sana Mobile App 1.4

Sana Commerce 8.3
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Sana Mobile App 1.3

Watch screencast about the Sana Mobile app for Dynamics NAV and AX.

Application Bar

Application bar on the left provides quick access to the dashboard as well as all options and settings of the Sana Mobile app. From the application bar you can also open the shopping cart, use search and log out. At the top of the application bar the name of the logged in sales agent is shown:

Application Bar

For more information about the dashboard options which are also available on the application bar (New order, View catalog, Order info, Prepare your trip, Customer info and Sync data), see 'Dashboard'.

The table below provides the description of the application bar menu items that are not available on the dashboard:

Menu item Description
Settings Contains the general settings of the Sana Mobile app, like price and stock presentation, rich media download, catalog presentation and logging.
For more information about Sana Mobile settings, see 'Settings'.
About Contains information about the webshop to which the app is connected.
The content of the 'About' page can be created in the Sana Commerce backoffice > Mobile > Content (Sales Agent App) > Disclaimer information.
For more information about how to fill in with content the 'About' page in the Sana Commerce backoffice, see 'Content'.
Shopping cart Allows to open the basket, see and edit its contents and make orders directly from it in the browse catalog mode, using the search field or scan mode, using the barcode scanner.
For more information, see 'Basket'. 
Search Allows to search for the products by title or item number. The fields which the sales agent can search on should be added to the search index in the Sana Commerce backoffice search settings. For more information about configuration of search settings in the Sana Commerce backoffice, see 'Search'.
Logout Allows the sales agent to log out. Note, that when the sales agent logs out all locally stored data will be removed. Thus, if you need to log out at first you should synchronize all data not to lose it, for example orders, which have not been synchronized yet.
User GuideSana Mobile App 1.4