Add-ons and ModulesCyberSource


Sana Commerce 9.0
Your connector

Configure CyberSource in Sana Admin

Once the CyberSource payment provider is installed and configured in the CyberSource Business Center it should be also configured in Sana Admin.
To configure the CyberSource payment provider in Sana Admin:
Step 1: Click: Setup > Ordering & checkout > Payment methods > Configuration > CyberSource.

Step 2: Configure the necessary settings. 
The table below provides the description of the CyberSource payment provider settings. 

Field Description
Merchant ID
Enter the Merchant ID which was given by CyberSource during registration.
   Merchant ID will be automatically detected using the Profile ID.

When CyberSource is installed and configured you can set up the payment methods in Sana Admin that are supported by CyberSource.

Add-ons and ModulesCyberSource