Knowledge BaseNAV Developer Guide

NAV Developer Guide

Sana Commerce 9.1
Your connector

Explanation of the Object Model for the Solution

The description of new and modified forms, pages, reports, XML ports, codeunits, RoleTailored Client control add-ins, and other objects that are used to gather, process and display data from the tables can be found in the 'Advanced Installation Topics' section.

General Flow of Sana Commerce Request in NAV

The entry points for the Sana Commerce application are:

Entry Point Description
SC - NAV Web Service Used to connect Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 web services with Sana Commerce framework.
SC - NAV2009 WebService Used to connect Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 web services with Sana Commerce framework.
SC - NAS MessageHandler Used to connect Microsoft Dynamics NAS service with Sana Commerce framework.

Processing Request in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Knowledge BaseNAV Developer Guide