Sage Pay

Sana Commerce 9.1
Your connector

Configure Payment Methods

When the Sage Pay payment provider is configured in Sana Admin, you need to set up the payment methods supported by Sage Pay.

To configure payment methods:

Step 1: In Sana Admin click: Setup > Ordering & checkout > Payment methods.

Step 2: Under the Payment methods tab create and configure the payment methods.

For more information about how to create and configure payment methods in Sana Admin, see "Payment Methods" on the Sana help web site.

Field Description

Use this field to set up 3D Secure checks and rules defined at a transaction level in the My Sage Pay portal.

The final payment status will be set based on these validations. For example, if the customer pays for the order with the 3D security enabled card, he or she will be forwarded to the extra validation page to enter the password. The payment will fail, if the customer does not enter the password or enter the wrong password.

Possible values:

  • PerformCheck&ApplyRules: If 3D Secure checking is enabled and rules are set in the My Sage Pay portal, the checks will be performed and authorisation rules will be applied.
  • ForcePerformCheck&ApplyRules: Force 3D Secure checks for a transaction, if possible, and apply rules for authorisation.
  • NoPerformCheck&AlwaysAuth: Do not perform 3D Secure checks for a transaction and always authorise.
  • ForcePerformCheck&GetAuth: Force 3D Secure checks for a transaction, if possible, but ALWAYS obtain an authorization code, irrespective of the configured rules.

    If you enter the value which doesn't match one of the above options, then "PerformCheck&ApplyRules" will be used by default.

This setting is not applicable to the PayPal transactions.

ApplyAVSCV2 Use this field to set up AVS/CV2 checks and rules defined at a transaction level in the My Sage Pay portal. The final payment status will be set based on these rules. For more information, see "Sage Pay Fraud Prevention Guide". 

Possible values:

  • PerformCheck&ApplyRules: If AVS/CV2 checking is enabled and rules are set in the My Sage Pay portal, the checks will be performed and rules will be applied.
  • ForcePerformCheck&ApplyRules: Force AVS/CV2 checking, even if it is not enabled for the Sage Pay account. Apply AVS/CV2 rules.
  • NoPerformCheck: Do not perform AVS/CV2 checking, even if it is enabled for the Sage Pay account.
  • ForcePerformCheck: Force AVS/CV2 checking, even if it is disabled for the Sage Pay account, but DON'T apply any rules.

    If you enter the value which doesn't match one of the above options, then "PerformCheck&ApplyRules" will be used by default.

This setting is not applicable to the PayPal transactions.

TransactionType Set up a transaction type that you want to process through your Sage Pay account.

In most cases this will be PAYMENT. This is the default transaction type.

Possible values:

  • PAYMENT: Payment transaction is processed real time and the payment status is updated accordingly.
  • DEFERRED: Once payment is successful, the Sana payment status will be set to "Paid" and the payment amount will be hold on the user's card. A merchant has to release the money within 6 days.
  • AUTHENTICATE: Once payment is successful, the Sana payment status will be set to "Paid". A merchant has to authenticate the transaction within 90 days.
AmountRoundOption Use this option to determine decimal place for the payment amount which is sent to Sage Pay.

Possible values:

  • No: The payment amount is sent as it is. This is the default value.
  • Up: If this option is set, the payment amount will be round up to 2 decimal places.
  • Down: If this option is set, the payment amount will be round down to 2 decimal places.

    Sage Pay supports payment amounts which are accurate to 2 decimal places, for example 35.50. Therefore, if payment amounts have more than 2 decimal places, it is required to round of amounts to 2 decimal places, otherwise they will be rejected by Sage Pay.

TrimValuesIfLengthy If this option is set to "true", the following field values will be trimmed to the maximum allowed character length.
  • BillingAddress1
  • BillingAddress2
  • BillingCity
  • DeliveryAddress1
  • DeliveryAddress2
  • DeliveryCity
  • Description
  • BillingFirstnames
  • BillingSurname
  • DeliveryFirstnames
  • DeliverySurname
  • CustomerName
Countries skip postcode validation Enter the ISO codes of those countries for which validation of the billing and shipping postcodes should be disabled. Multiple country ISO codes should be separated with a ";".
Postcode validation is disabled for Ireland (IE) by default.

Example: GB;PL;LK

    To perform a successful transaction via Sage Pay the following data is required:

  • Amount, Currency, Billing surname, Billing first name, Billing address, Billing city, Billing postcode, Billing country, Delivery surname, Delivery first name, Delivery address, Delivery city, Delivery postcode and Delivery country.
  • Billing state is required when Billing country is set to US.
  • Delivery state is required when Delivery country is set to US.
  • Delivery postcode and Billing postcode are not required for countries that do not have
    postcodes, for example Ireland.

    Refunds, voids and repeats should be handled in the My Sage Pay portal.

Test the payment flow, to see if everything works fine using the created payment methods.

    Use the valid and existing address to test a payment transaction via Sage Page, otherwise Sage Pay will not accept the test transaction.

For more information about how Sage Page integrates with other services, see the official "Sage Pay Form Integration and Protocol Guidelines" document. There you will find the fields which are passed back and forth between a web store and Sage Pay, their format, size, accepted values and characters.