Content ElementsShopping Cart Upload

Shopping Cart Upload

Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector

Requirements to the CSV File

You can add the following catalog data to the CSV file: product IDs, quantity, units of measure, product variant IDs.

The header of the CSV file (the first line) should be in the following format:

Example: ProductId,Quantity,UnitOfMeasureId,VariantId

All fields are required and should be exactly in the same order as shown in the example. If there is no need to specify some product data, for example a product variant, you can leave it empty.

See an example of data in the CSV file with coma (,) used as a separator:

For units of measure and product variants you should use UOM and product variant codes from the ERP system.

When a customer imports the products to the shopping cart, he or she should select the separator from the list which is used in the CSV file. If a separator selected on a page does not match the one in the CSV file, a customer will see the error. The following separators are supported: tab, comma, semicolon, line and caret.

Content ElementsShopping Cart Upload