Payment ServicesChargeLogic Connect

ChargeLogic Connect

Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector

Configure ChargeLogic

When the ChargeLogic Connect payment provider is installed it should be configured in Sana Admin. To configure the ChargeLogic Connect payment provider and payment methods you should have the ChargeLogic Connect test/ live account with all the necessary data.

To configure the ChargeLogic:

Step 1: in Sana Admin click: Setup > Ordering & checkout > Payment methods > Configuration > ChargeLogic.

Step 2: Choose the appropriate payment integration mode.

There are two modes: test and live. Test mode allows to simulate the payment process as if it is a real payment and helps to make sure that everything will behave the same way when you go live. Live mode implies that a customer makes a real purchase using already configured payment provider and methods.

Step 3: Configure the payment provider by entering the payment provider specific settings of the test/ live account.

The table below provides the description of the ChargeLogic Connect payment provider fields:

Field Description
StoreNo The Store No./Username which is provided by ChargeLogic.
ApiKey The API Key/Password which is provided by ChargeLogic.
WebServiceNtlmDomain The Web Service NTLM Domain which is provided by ChargeLogic.

    Since March 31, 2018 ChargeLogic requires Basic authentication instead of NTLM. Thus, this parameter is not used and you can enter any value, for example 'ChargeLogic'.
ApplicationId The Application ID which is provided by ChargeLogic.
RequireCvv If set to 'Yes' then the Card Verification Value (CVV) field will become mandatory for input on the ChargeLogic payment page.
Default value: No

When ChargeLogic Connect is installed and configured you can set up the necessary payment methods in Sana Admin that are supported by ChargeLogic Connect.

For information about how to create and configure payment methods in Sana Admin, see 'Payment methods'.

Test the payment/checkout flow to see if everything works fine using the created payment methods and the correct payment statuses.

When everything is done and tested, keep an eye on the payment log in the following days to be sure that everything is configured correctly.

Payment ServicesChargeLogic Connect