Payment ServicesCyberSource


Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector

Configure Payment Methods

When the CyberSource payment provider is configured in Sana Admin you need to set up the payment methods supported by CyberSource. 

To configure payment methods

Step 1: In Sana Admin click: Setup > Ordering & checkout > Payment methods

Step 2: Under the Payment methods tab create and configure the payment methods.

For more information about how to create and configure payment methods in Sana Admin, see 'Payment Methods' on the Sana help web site.

The table below provides the description of the CyberSource payment provider specific fields:

Field Description
Profile_Id Identifies the CyberSource profile to use with each transaction. The profile ID can be found in the CyberSource Business Center under: Tools & Settings > Profiles.
Access_Key This is a security key generated in the CyberSource Business Center. The access key can be found in the CyberSource Business Center under: Tools & Settings > Profiles > Security.
Secret_Key Merchant-generated Base64 signature. This is a security key generated in the CyberSource Business Center. The secret key can be found in the CyberSource Business Center under: Tools & Settings > Profiles > Security.

Test the payment flow to see if everything works fine using the created payment methods.

Payment ServicesCyberSource