
Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector

Configure Docdata

When the Docdata payment provider is configured in the Docdata BackOfice it should be also configured in Sana Admin.

To configure Docdata:
Step 1: In Sana Admin click: Setup > Ordering & checkout > Payment methods > Configuration > Docdata.

Step 2: Choose the appropriate payment integration mode.

There are two modes: test and live. Test mode allows to simulate the payment process as if it is a real payment and helps to make sure that everything will behave the same way when you go live. Live mode implies that a customer makes a real purchase using already configured payment provider and methods.

Step 3: Configure the payment provider by entering the payment provider specific settings of the test/ live account.

The table below provides the description of the Docdata payment provider fields:

Field Description
merchant_name The name of the account that will be used by Docdata to process the payment. This information will be supplied by Docdata when creating the account (test/live).
Default value: depends on the PSP account (test/ live)
merchant_password The password of the account that will be used by Docdata to process the payment. This information will be supplied by Docdata when creating the account (test/live).
Default value: depends on the PSP account (test/ live)
paid_status_check_mode The mode of the order paid status check. This value tells Sana Commerce how the status of the order should be checked. There are three possible values: quick, safe or custom. The default value is quick. Each value stands for its own algorithm of the status check.

quick - when this value is set, Sana Commerce will perform a quick check of the order paid status. In this case Sana Commerce sums up total shopper pending, total acquirer pending and total acquirer authorized amounts and checks whether this sum is equal to the total amount which was registered for this order. This option is the fastest but it does have the risk that some payments will actually not have been made yet.

safe - in this case Sana Commerce will perform a safe check of the order paid status. Sana Commerce checks that the total captured amount is equal to the total amount which was registered for this order. Although it is the safest check, the downside is that it can sometimes take a long time for the acquirer to actually have the money transferred and captured.

custom - this value can be set if a custom check needs to be implemented. In the current implementation the custom check just invokes the quick check. But it is intended to be overridden by the end-developers so that a new custom check can be performed.

maximum_orderlines_to_send Limits the maximum number of order lines to be sent to Docdata Order API.
Default value: 100

The Docdata payment menu page can display information about the order including the list of order lines. Sana Commerce sends this list of order lines to the Docdata Order API every time a new payment gets started for the order in Docdata. It can be the case that customers post orders with the large amount of order lines and the data traffic between Sana Commerce and Docdata Order API gets increased significantly. This can also cause other issues, like inability to load the Docdata payment menu page in the user's browser, etc.

Use this setting to limit the number of order lines to be sent to Docdata. If this number is exceeded for some order, Sana Commerce will send only one order line to Docdata containing only total amount of the order instead of sending all order lines.

This value can be empty. In such case all order lines will be sent to Docdata.

days_pay_period The amount of days the user will have to pay the order. For more information about this field, please refer to the Docdata documentation. This configuration value is required for the Docdata payment module.
Default value: 14