Payment ServicesCyberSource


Sana Commerce 9.3
Your connector

Set up CyberSource Account


When the CyberSource payment provider is installed, it should be configured in the CyberSource Business Center and in Sana Admin. To configure the CyberSource payment provider and payment methods, you should have the CyberSource account with all the necessary data.

Step 1: Log in the CyberSource Business Center.

Test Business Center
Live Business Center

Step 2: Click:  Payment Configuration > Secure Acceptance Settings > Active Profiles. Create new profile.

  • In the Profile Information and Contact Information sections enter your company profile information.
  • Select the Hosted Checkout / Checkout API integration method.
  • In the Added Value Services section leave the options as default.

Step 3: When the profile is created click Payment Settings. Select the card types you are going to use in your web store.

Click the settings  icon near the card type name and select the currencies which should be supported by the card type.

Step 4: On the profile page, click Customer Response.

In the Custom Redirect After Checkout section, enter your web store URL to redirect a customer to the web store from the Transaction Response Page after the checkout process is complete. Save the changes.

Step 5: On the profile page, click Security. Create a security key.

Copy the Access and Secret keys as you will need to enter them in the CyberSource configuration section in Sana Admin.
Step 6: When all the necessary configurations are done, click Promote Profile on the profile page. This will activate your profile.

The profile ID will be automatically generated. Copy it as you will need to enter it in the CyberSource configuration section in Sana Admin.

Payment ServicesCyberSource