Payment ServicesMercadoPago


Sana Commerce 9.3
Your connector

Configure MercadoPago in Sana Admin

When the MercadoPago payment provider is installed, it should be configured in Sana Admin.

Set up MercadoPago

Step 1: In Sana Admin click: Apps > Add-ons. When the MercadoPago add-on is installed, you can configure it from any tab on the "Add-ons" page by clicking on the Configure button .

Step 2: Choose the appropriate payment integration mode.

There are two modes: Test and Live. Test mode allows to simulate the payment process as if it is a real payment, and helps to make sure that everything will behave the same way when you go live. Live mode implies that a customer makes a real purchase using already configured payment provider and methods.

Step 3: Configure the payment provider by entering the payment provider specific settings of the test/ live account.

The table below provides the description of the MercadoPago payment provider settings.

Field Description
Hash algorithm This parameter is used to check/prepare hash of parameters. Possible values are SHA512 and SHA256. SHA512 is the default value and it is strongly recommended to use it.
Signature hash delimiter This key is used to validate payment detail parameters: Status, Amount, Description, PaymentMethodId, Token, Instalments. It can be any key from 1 to 8 characters with a combination of upper/lower case or numbers.
Allow notification callbacks If this checkbox is enabled, then MercadoPago will send notifications to Sana. MercadoPago can send several notifications per transaction.
Enable diagnostic level logging If this checkbox is enabled, then the diagnostic level info will be stored in the payment log of Sana. In this way most of the responses received form MercadoPago will be logged. You can use the log for troubleshooting the issues.

When MercadoPago is installed and configured, you can set up the necessary payment methods in Sana Admin that are supported by your MercadoPago account.

Payment ServicesMercadoPago