Advanced Installation TopicsMicrosoft Dynamics AX Changes

Microsoft Dynamics AX Changes

Sana Commerce 8.1
Your provider

Modified Tables

The table below provides the description of the modified tables in AX, including the fields:

Table Name Field ID Name Type Description
InventTable 50001 SC_VisibleInWebShop Enum Item visibility on webshop
CustTable 50002 SC_B2cCustomer Enum Define B2C customer
InventItemGroup 50001 SC_VisibleInWebshop Enum Group visibility on webshop
InventItemGroup 50002 SC_SortNum  Integer Order number
AddressCountryRegion 50001 SC_VisibleInWebshop  Enum Country visibility on webshop
AddressCountryRegion 50002 SC_TemplateAccount  String Customer template code
SalesTable 50001 SC_OrderId  String SQL order number
SalesTable 50002 SC_FieldsDictionary  String Raw XML data
SalesTable 50003 SC_Comments  String Comments
SalesTable 50004 SC_BillToName  String Bill-to name
SalesTable 50005 SC_PaymentMethod  String Payment method name
SalesTable 50006 SC_PaymentStatus  String Payment status
SalesTable 50007 SC_PromotionValue  Real Promotion discount value
SalesTable 50008 SC_PromotionAmount  Real Promotion discount amount
SalesTable 50009 SC_PromotionType  Enum Promotion type
SalesTable 50010 SC_PromotionTitle  String Promotion title
SalesTable 50011 SC_PromotionCode  String Promotion code
SalesTable 50012 SC_PromotionDiscPercent  Real For Internal Use
MarkupTable 50001 SC_MarkupCode  String For Internal Use
SalesQuotationTable 50001 SC_OrderId  String  SQL order number
SalesQuotationTable 50002 SC_FieldsDictionary  String   Raw XML data
SalesQuotationTable 50003 SC_Comments  String   Comments
SalesQuotationTable 50004 SC_BillToName  String   Bill-to name
SalesQuotationTable 50005 SC_PaymentMethod  String   Payment method name
SalesQuotationTable 50006 SC_PaymentStatus  String   Payment status
SalesQuotationTable 50007 SC_PromotionValue  Real Promotion discount value
SalesQuotationTable 50008 SC_PromotionAmount  Real Promotion discount amount
SalesQuotationTable 50009 SC_PromotionType  Enum Promotion type
SalesQuotationTable 50010 SC_PromotionTitle  String Promotion title
SalesQuotationTable 50011 SC_PromotionCode  String Promotion code
SalesQuotationTable 50012 SC_PromotionDiscPercent  Real For Internal Use
CustInvoiceJour 50001 SC_Comments  String Comments
CustInvoiceJour 50002 SC_BillToName  String Bill-to name
CustInvoiceJour 50003 SC_PaymentMethod  String Payment method name
CustPackingSlipJour 50001 SC_Comments  String Comments
CustPackingSlipJour 50002 SC_BillToName  String Bill-to name
CustPackingSlipJour 50003 SC_PaymentMethod  String Payment method name
Advanced Installation TopicsMicrosoft Dynamics AX Changes