
Sana Commerce 9.2
Your connector

Subscribers and Customer Data

When connection between Sana and dotmailer is established you can easily import customer accounts and data as well as customers' sales statistics from your ERP system directly to dotmailer. Customers are imported to dotmailer based on the filter expressions set in the assigned customer segment. A customer segment can be created based on the:

  • Customer data from ERP
  • Customer sales statistics from ERP
  • Customer shop accounts from Sana Admin
  • Basket (for example, customers with open cart items) from the Sana database

Those customers which satisfy the selected criteria in the assigned customer segment will be imported to dotmailer. Together with customers you can also import customer data and sales statistics from your ERP system directly to dotmailer based on the selected data fields. Moreover, you can also import newsletter subscriptions from Sana to dotmailer.

Read more detailed information in the next articles.