Add-ons and ModulesProduct Import

Product Import

Sana Commerce 8.1
Your provider

Configure Product Import for AX

The product import functionality uses the Sana Commerce task scheduler. The configuration of the 'Product Import' task is performed in the 'sanaCommerce' configuration section of the backoffice 'web.config' file.

To configure the 'Product Import' task:

Step 1: Open the backoffice 'web.config' file.

Step 2: Locate the 'sanaCommerce' configuration section.

Step 3: Locate the 'tasks' subsection:

<task name="ProductImport"
      title="Product import"
      type="Sana.Commerce.Tasks.Import.ProductImportTask, Sana.Commerce.Tasks.ProductImport"

Step 4: Check the following configuration nodes and change their values if needed:

Configuration nodes Description
time/interval The daily time or period (in seconds) when the 'Product Import' task should be performed.
For more information read this chapter.
sourceCustomerProviderId The identifier of the Customer provider, which is used to get a B2C Template Customer from AX. It is selected from the <sanaCommerce> configuration section, <modules> subsection of the 'web.config' file.
sourceCatalogProviderId The identifier of the Catalog provider, which is selected as the source for the product data. It is selected from the <sanaCommerce> configuration section, <modules> subsection of the 'web.config' file.
destinationWebsiteCode The code of the webshop where the products will be imported to. It is selected from the <sanaCommerce> configuration section, <sites> subsection of the 'web.config' file.
sourceWebsiteCode The webshop from which the product import will be performed. It is selected from the <sanaCommerce> configuration section, <sites> subsection of the 'web.config' file.
importOnlyModified When this parameter is set to 'true' the 'Product Import' task will import only the products which have been modified since the last time of successful product import. Otherwise all visible products will be imported.
Default value: 'true'
batchSize The quantity of products which are handled in one batch.
horizontalVariantComponentGroupCode The ID for the horizontal variant component group.
horizontalVariantComponentGroupTitle The name for the horizontal variant component group.
verticalVariantComponentGroupCode The ID for the vertical component group.
verticalVariantComponentGroupTitle The name for the vertical variant component group.
normalVariantComponentGroupCode The ID for the variant component group for product variants without components.
normalVariantComponentGroupTitle The name for the variant component group for product variants without components.
allowManualStart The parameter which specifies that the task can be started manually in the backoffice.
Default value: 'true'
sortNumber The sort order in which the scheduled tasks are arranged in the backoffice.

All configuration nodes are required parameters and should be filled in.
Add-ons and ModulesProduct Import