Advanced Installation TopicsSSL Certificate for AX Web Service

SSL Certificate for AX Web Service

Sana Commerce 8.1
Your provider

Configure HTTPS for Starter Site and Backoffice

This step can be performed only when Sana Commerce webshop is installed on Web and database server.

The information in this chapter covers the configuration of HTTPS for Microsoft Dynamics AX 4, 2009 and 2012.

The binding name used for configuration of AX 4 and AX 2009 is 'AX_SSL', for AX 2012 is 'AX2012_SSL'.

The endpoint name used for configuration of AX 4 and AX 2009 is 'AX_SSL', for AX 2012 is 'AX2012_SSL'.

To configure the Sana Commerce Starter Site and backoffice with the HTTPS settings:

Step 1: In the 'web.config' files of the Starter Site and backoffice locate the <endpoint> configuration section for AX web service:

<endpoint name="AX2012_SSL" address="AxEndpointAddress" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="AX2012_SSL" contract="AXDataServiceClient" />


<endpoint name="AX_SSL" address="AxEndpointAddress" binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="AX_SSL" contract="AXDataServiceClient">
<userPrincipalName value="USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME"/>

The 'USER_PRINCIPAL_NAME' value should be replaced with the Business Connector proxy user (SC_BusinessProxyUser) in the following format:

<userPrincipalName value="SC_BusinessProxyUser@DOMAIN" />

Step 2: Depending on your Dynamics AX version specify the HTTPS URL to AX web service ('AxEndpointAddress') in the AX-related line.

Step 3: In the <connectionStrings> configuration section of both 'web.config' files change the 'AX' endpoint configuration name to 'AX_SSL' or 'AX2012_SSL' depending on your Dynamics AX version:

<add name="AxWebService" connectionString="EndPointConfigurationName=AX;UserName=UserName;Password=Password;Domain=Domain;"/>

If the above mentioned steps are performed then the communication between the Sana Commerce web application and the AX web service is secure.

Additional Resources:

More information about SSL and WCF services can be found here:

Advanced Installation TopicsSSL Certificate for AX Web Service