Advanced Installation TopicsSSL Certificate for AX Web Service

SSL Certificate for AX Web Service

Sana Commerce 8.1
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Configure AIF Web Service

Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 SP2 uses custom web service which is provided with the Sana Commerce release package. The security settings are already set in the 'web.config' file.

The information in this chapter covers the configuration of the security settings for AX 2009 and AX 2012 with AIF Web service. Depending on your Dynamics AX version read the information below.

Configuration for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009:

The security settings should be set for the AIF web service:

Step 1: Open the AX client and go to: Basic -> Setup -> Application Integration Framework -> Services.

Step 2: Locate the 'SC_AXDataServiceClient' service and click the 'Configure' button.

Step 3: Create the new binding of the 'wsHttpBinding' type and set the security settings to the 'TransportWithMessageCredential' mode:

Step 4: Add the new endpoint for the created binding with HTTPS URL to AIF web service.

For more information about AIF web service configuration for Dynamics AX 2009 read the AX Connector installation manual chapters 'Configure the Web Service' and 'Enable and Generate AIF Service'.

Configuration for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012:

If you need to configure the AIF Web service to work with SSL:

Step 1: In Microsoft Dynamics AX go to the following location: System administration -> Setup > Services and Application Integration Framework -> Inbound ports.

Step 2: Locate the created during the installation process service and click the 'Configure' button to the right of the 'Adapter' field to modify the WCF configuration:

AIF Web Service

Detailed information about how to create and activate AIF Web service can be found in the installation manual.

Step 3: Create a new service binding (binding type 'basicHttpBinding') and set the binding parameters as shown on the screenshot below:

Creating and Configuring a Service Binding

Step 4: On the 'Security' tab set the 'Transport' mode and 'Windows' TransportClientCredentialType:

Configuring Security Settings

Step 5: Create new endpoint and link it to the newly created binding:

Creating the Endpoint

Step 6: In the 'Service Behaviors' configuration set 'HttpsGetEnabled' to 'True':

Configuring Service Behavior

Advanced Installation TopicsSSL Certificate for AX Web Service