User GuideManage Themes

Manage Themes

Sana Commerce 8.1
Your provider

Watch screencast on how to create and change the webshop theme.


Font Family


No. Description Default
Heading 1
13A Font family Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-serif
Heading 2 and 3
13B Font family   Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-serif
Normal text
13C Font family Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-serif
Subtitle text
13D Font family   Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-serif
Menu text
13E Font family Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, Sans-serif

Font Sizes


No. Description Default
Heading 1
14A Size (Product detail page title) 26px
Heading 2 and 3
14B Size (Popup title, H2, H3) 15px
Product detail page price
  Size 22px
14C Size  
Normal text
14D Size (All remaining texts) 12px
Subtitle text
14E Size (Item numbers, Product attributes on product list pages, Tree submenu items) 11px


Font Colors

No. Description Default
Heading 1 and titles
15A Color (Page title (h1), Popup title (h2), Product title) #44453F
Heading 2 and 3
15B Color (H2, H3) #7C7D73
Normal text
15C Color (All remaining text) #7C7D73
Subtitle text
15D Color #989993
List price
15E Color #F02525
Price to pay
15F Color #44453F
User GuideManage Themes