Advanced Installation TopicsMS Dynamics AX 2009 Changes

MS Dynamics AX 2009 Changes

Sana Commerce 8.2
Your provider

New and Modified Classes

The tables below provide the description of the new and modified classes.

Modified classes:

Class ID Class Name Description
532 SalesFormLetter_PackingSlip Update the order date for the SQL order import task
540 SalesTableType Set and validate new fields for SalesTable
768 SuppItemCreate_SalesQuotation Mark the line as supplementary
2567 SuppItemCreate_Sales Mark the line as supplementary

New classes:

Class ID Class Name Description
50001 SC_About About Sana Commerce
50002 SC_AXDataServiceClient Main Sana Commerce solution class
50003 SC_AXDataServiceClient_Common Used to retrieve information about entities (fields, relation between fields, etc.)
50004 SC_AXDataServiceClient_Customer Contains functions for processing customers and salespeople
50005 SC_AXDataServiceClient_Order Contains functions for retrieving sales documents (orders, quotes, etc.)
50006 SC_AXDataServiceClient_Product Contains functions for catalog subsystem (products, categories, variants, etc.)
50007 SC_AXDataServiceClient_Settings Contains functions for retrieving settings (currency, region, etc.)
50008 SC_ManualRequestsSetup Manual request tool
50010 SC_DefaultDataWizard Sana Commerce wizard
Advanced Installation TopicsMS Dynamics AX 2009 Changes